Neill Woodford

591 days ago

OUTSIDE PAYWALL: FCA threatens key Woodford enabler Link with fine & customer redress of up to £306 million: “nomates Neil” next?

The FCA has warned a potential purchaser of fund administrator, Link, that it must provide up to £306 million to pay fines for Link’s Woodford blunders. Some of this may go to the victims of Neil Woodford. But there are likely to be other measures handed out by the chocolate teapots.


1797 days ago

An Open Letter to Susan Searle at WPCT No 2 – Neil Woodford must be fired now to save our company

Susan Searle, the fragrant chairwoman of Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT), where I am a loyal owner of 10 shares, has yet to respond to my polite letter demanding she suspend the shares, fire Neil Woodford and undertake a strategic review. But events now force me to write again in light of Woodford’s incoherent video of earlier.  That suggests WPCT now faces a full blown crisis. The letter follows:
